Vaninight by Hermetica is a Amber Vanilla fragrance for women and men. Vaninight was launched in 2018. The nose behind this fragrance is Philippe Paparella-Paris."Like an enchanting walk through the desert, Vaninight transports you to the 1001 Nights. At the heart of the fragrance is an original gourmand and oriental scent that wraps you like a cashmere embrace. A velvety touch of jasmine flower and an intense black leather note, infused by an amber molecule and Saffron Oil, adds sensuality. This perfume is reminiscent of a pure luxurious drop of vanilla absolute." - a note from the brand.
"Hermetica is a collection of molecular fragrances inspired by the ancient practice of alchemy, which sought to transform basic metals into precious materials and to find the ultimate elixir of life.
Applying these practices to modern day perfume-making, Hermetica is based on the belief that finding the perfect perfume relies on the chemical connection between the molecules within a fragrance and one’s skin.
Top Note: Vanilla
Middle Note: Vanilla
Bottom Note: Vanilla
Classification: Niche
Family Name: Amber Vanilla