"Jules Dedet, the renowned street artist, is the aptly chosen face of our new Urban Hero fragrance – a nod to the confident, mysterious man with a hint of rebellion. Ideal for spontaneous city nights, it gives off intense woody notes, such as grey amber and leather accord, which mix with warm black pepper and sensual rosewood, before being offset with fresh lemon caviar. Reflecting the refined yet daring Jimmy Choo man, its mirrored chrome bottle comes with a chevron-printed cap and matte silver sides."
Jimmy choo is a malaysian exclusive shoes designer based in london.the brand was established in 1996 together with the editor of accessories in british vogue,tamara mellon.
Top Note: Pepper, Finger Lime
Middle Note: Vertiver, Palisander Rosewood
Bottom Note: Leather, Ambergris
Classification: Designer Fragrance
Family Name: Woody Spicy